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The Body

In general, there are three bodies in each individual. They are:
1. Gross Body (Sthula Sharira) 2. Subtle Body (Sukshma Sharira) and 3. Causal Body (Karana Sharira). The Gross or Physical Body is formed by a combination of the five great elements—earth, water, fire, air and space ; the Subtle Body is composed of Prana , Mind (manas,Chittam and ahankara) and Intellect(Buddhi) and the Causal Body (The Seed)is Blissful / Blankness.

Five Koshas / Layers


Physical Body

1. Annamaya Kosha

Physical sheath

Subtle Body

2. Pranamaya Kosha

Vital energy/life force/prana sheath

3. Manomaya Kosha

Thoughts and emotions sheath

4. Vijnanamaya Kosha

Wisdom sheath

Causal Body

5. Anandamaya Kosha

Bliss sheath

The Mind

The mind is divided into Manas ,Chittam (memory ) Ahankara(Ego) and Intellect (Buddhi).

Three Gunas

How the gunas influence behavior

The gunas are responsible for the behavior and natural propensities of all living beings. 1) Sattva is pure, without impurities, illuminating and free from sickness. 2) Rajas is full of passion and is born out of thirst or intense desire and attachment. It binds the soul through attachment with action; 3) Tamas is the darkness and the crudeness in man living similar to animals and birds with Lust. It is born of ignorance and the cause of delusion.

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