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Contact us

Please fill up the Registration form and send it to our email id/ whatsapp


    Registration form

  1. Name :
  2. Date of Birth : 
  3. Yoga Class Category      : Brahma Vidhya -1 & 2 /  Prana Sakthi Kriya -1 & 2
  4. Address
  5. Mobile Number:
  6. Educational Qualification:
  7. Payment Option :





        Date :                                                                     Signature:

Our location for Registration:

AP-21(Old),1st Floor, 1st Street(5th Street Corner), 1st Sector, K.K.Nagar,Chennai-600078, TamilNadu, India

Opening Hours

Mon-Sunday 10.30 am - 3.30 pm

Contact: Whatsapp Number: 0944045044

Email: /

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